1. 1. Which of the following is not a feature of a kinship system?
a. who is permitted to marry whom b. how property is passed on
c. how power is distributed d. who cares for children: d
2. 2. In the United States, interracial marriage is:
a. illegal.
b. decline for all social groups. c. increasing, but infrequent.
d. common among the lower classes only.: c
3. 3. Betty lives with her husband, their daughter, and her grandchildren. Betty lives in a/n family.
a. matrilineal b. extended c. nuclear
d. patrilocal: b
4. 4. The emergence of the nuclear family in the United States was a result of which major event?
a. The American Revolution b. The Industrial Revolution
c. The Civil Rights Movement d. World War II: b
5. 5. families may find it necessary to have all family members working. a. Migrant
b. Poor
c. Extended d. Fictive: b
6. 6. According to functionalists, families serve all of the following basic social needs, except:
a. socializing the young.
b. providing education to members.
c. providing physical care for members. d. regulating sexual activities.: b
7. 7. Unlike , see the gender division of labor as being based on stereotypes about men's and women's
a. functionalists; conflict theorists
b. conflict theorists, symbolic interactionists c. feminists, symbolic interactionists
d. functionalists; feminists: d
8. 8. is concerned with how people define and negotiate family relationships. a. functionalism
b. conflict theory
c. symbolic interaction theory d. feminism: c
9. 9. The major cause of marital disruption today is:
a. death of the wife.
b. death of the husband. c. divorce.
d. remarriage.: c
10. 10. Approximately of children live with one parent. a. one-fifth
b. one-fourth c. one-third
d. one-half: b
11. 11. The number of single-father households is and are likely than sin- gle-mother families to experience severe economic problems.
a. increasing; more b. increasing; less
c. decreasing; more d. decreasing; less: b
12. 12. Mrs. Thompson often feels like there is too much to do and too little time to do it. Mrs. Thompson is experiencing:
a. parenthood.
b. a commuter marriage. c. social speedup.
d. role stress.: c
13. 13. An individual's ability to influence decisionmaking within a marriage is largely established through:
a. social class. b. religion.
c. the length of the marriage.
d. the amount of money one earns.: d
14. 14. Since 1960, the rate of divorce has , although it has since 1980. a. tripled; increased
b. doubled; increased
c. been cut in half; declined d. doubled; declined: d
15. 15. The Barkers live in the U.S. Which of the following is true about their child care options?
a. U.S. family leave policies cover all families
b. U.S. family leave policies cover most family expenses c. The costs are reasonable for most families
d. U.S. family leave policies do not address ongoing needs for child care: d
16. 16. Estimates of the extent of domestic violence are unreliable because a. most cases go unreported.
b. most victims are in shelters. c. more victims are children.
d. more cases are not severe enough to report.: a
17. 17. Which of the following best describes U.S. maternity leave benefits?
a. Supportive of working class families
b. Comparatively better support than developing nations c. Unsupportive of families
d. In the middle of all countries in terms of support: c
18. 18. When Bob is engaged in work that sustains life such as elder and child care he is doing .
a. nonwage labor b. care work
c. public labor
d. non labor work: b
19. 19. Elderly care in the modern family is best characterized by . a. a diversity of experiences due to family size and variation
b. a standard cultural approach
c. a dependency on governmental support d. all of the above: a
20. 20. Religious extremist movements a. Are highly patriarchal.
b. Are typically Christian-based.
c. Include violence in most cases.
d. Assume a demonic nature of individuals.: a
21. 21. Sects are
a. fundamentalist organizations.
b. offshoots of establishes churches. c. followers of charismatic leaders.
d. devoted to a specific cause.: b
22. 22. The Shakers were formed by breaking away from the Quakers. They are an example of a
a. charisma. b. church.
c. cult.
d. sect.: d
23. 23. Religion has been the basis for social movement activity in what major social movement?
a. Gay Rights Movement b. Civil Rights Movement c. Equal Rights Movement
d. Church versus State Movement: b
24. 24. Othermothers are a unique form of an extended family that reflects the specific experience of .
a. African American women b. Caribbean women
c. Latin American women d. European women: a
25. 25. Barbara is a very close family friend - she is actually considered part of the family. Barbara may be considered
a. an othermother. b. compadrazgo.
c. fictive kin.
d. extended family.: c
26. 26. Which of the following statements is false about contemporary Amer- ican families?
a. There are fewer births today than in the past.
b. The number of single-parent households has increased dramatically.
c. Childbearing occupies a smaller percentage of parents' adult lives than earlier.
d. Married-couple families have become the minority form of the family.: d
27. 27. The stepfamilies that are often created by divorce and remarriage a. rarely involve stepchildren.
b. receive a great deal of institutional support. c. take many different forms today.
d. utilize existing social norms and institutional support to help them through conflict.: c
28. 28. Because of the rise in divorce and remarriage, stepfamilies have become fairly common in the U.S. Despite how common stepfamilies have become,
a. there is still little institutional support for stepfamilies. b. the number of children in stepfamilies is declining.
c. the legal status of the nonresidential parent is not well understood. d. the percent of stepmothers remains low.: a
29. 29. Studies of gay and lesbian couples have found that
a. gay and lesbian partners tend to be more flexible and less gender-stereo- typed in their household roles than heterosexual couples.
b. money has a strong influence on who has the most power in gay and lesbian households.
c. lesbian parents lack any type of social support.
d. children raised by gay parents are more likely to be gay themselves.: a
30. 30. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2010) about percent of the population over the age of 15 is single.
a. one-quarter b. one-third
c. one-half
d. two-thirds: c
31. 31. Research on cohabitation has found that
a. the likelihood of cohabitation is greatest among suburban residents. b. couples who cohabited prior to marriage have lower levels of marital quality than couples who did not.
c. cohabiting is decreasing as younger people are returning to traditional values.
d. few cohabiting households have children.: b
32. 32. The likelihood of divorce is greater for couples who a. marry young.
b. have two incomes.
c. do not have children. d. are White.: a
33. 33. The Jones divorce was less likely to be negative on their children because .
a. they used lawyers
b. they when through long debates involving the children c. they remained amicable.
d. they involved their children in financial solutions: c
34. 34. Sociological studies of patterns of family violence have found that
a. violence in lesbian and gay relationships is as common as in heterosexual relationships.
b. the most common form of child abuse is neglect. c. most perpetrators of elder abuse are men.
d. overall, violence in the family has been declining.: b
35. 35. Religiosity is measured by sociologists using all of the following, except
a. by asking about people's religious beliefs
b. surveying people about their membership in religious organizations c. asking how often people attend religious services
d. collecting information through the Census.: d
36. 36. Durkheim's emphasis on rituals and shared meanings fits with which types of sociological theory?
a. conflict theory and functionalism
b. functionalism and symbolic interactionism c. symbolic interactionism and conflict theory d. exchange theory and functionalism: b
37. 37. It is the belief of that religion was developed by the oppressed to relieve their distress.
a. functionalism b. conflict theory
c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory: b
38. 38. In the U.S., social factors are correlated with religious identification. For example,
a. older people are more likely than younger people to express no religious preference.
b. those in higher income brackets are most likely to identify as Jewish or
Catholic than those in the lower income brackets.
c. fundamentalist Protestants are most like to have the highest incomes.
d. Asian-Americans are the most likely racial-ethnic group to say that religion is very important in their lives.: b
39. 39. Which of the following is not a critical function that churches for
African Americans?
a. a defense against the damage caused by racism. b. a source of social and community services.
c. as community centers and political units for their members. d. an educational tool for urban youth.: d
40. 40. Which of the following is not part of the sociological definition of family?
a. a social unit of those related through marriage, ancestry or adoption b. a group who are committed to maintaining the group over time
c. a social unit related by blood and bound together by love d. a group who engage in economic cooperation: c
41. 41. A pattern of relationships that define people's family relationships to one another is the definition of a(n) .
a. institution
b. relational network c. kinship system
d. social organization: c
42. 42. Within the U.S., polygamy
a. is widely practiced among Mormons. b. is illegal.
c. is legal for some Native American groups. d. does not exist.: b
43. 43. What type of marriage is most common in the U.S. today?
a. serial monogamy b. monogamy
c. polygamy
d. polygyny: b
44. 44. In some societies a married couple is expected to move in with the husband's family. This is called a
a. patrilineal b. matrilineal c. patrilocal
d. matrilocal: c
45. 45. What is the general pattern for marriage within the U.S.?
a. Marriages are across social classes as often as within the same social class.
b. Most people marry someone who shares similar social characteristics. c. Americans marry without regard to race or class.
d. People in the U.S. tend to marry people whom they think will help them achieve a higher social class.: b
46. 46. Which of these is the best definition of extended family?
a. a network of parents, children and other relatives who form a family unit b. a set of relatives who live together in the same residence
c. a group of people who are related to each other by "blood" or ancestry d. grandparents, parents, and children of the same lineage: a
47. 47. Prior to industrialization,
a. the nuclear family was the cultural ideal in the U.S.
b. the household was the center for production and distribution of goods.
c. men were responsible for economic life and women were responsible for domestic life.
d. men worked in wage labor outside the home, and women and children labored at home.: b
48. 48. What impact did industrialism have on the family in the U.S.?
a. it brought more production work into the household
b. it created an economy based on cash instead of domestic production
c. small family businesses took the place of production for household use only
d. women were able to earn as much or more than men for the first time: b
49. 49. The family wage system
a. paid men more than women based on the assumption that they were the breadwinner.
b. was based on the assumption that all members of the family would need to work in wage labor.
c. forced all women to begin to work outside of the home. d. made families more self-sufficient.: a
50. 50. Historically, family structure in the U.S.
a. has been essentially the same for all social classes and racial-ethnic groups.
b. has remained strongly nuclear, despite varying social conditions for dif- ferent groups.
c. has been shaped by slavery, migration, poverty, and laws that impeded
family formation.
d. has been unaffected by public policies.: c
51. 51. are particularly interested in the way in which families create stability by teaching people the norms and values of society.
a. Functionalists
b. Conflict theorists
c. Symbolic interactionists d. Exchange theorists: a
52. 52. During periods of rapid social change, families experience social disorganization and this creates social problems.
This is part of the view of families. a. functionalist
b. conflict theory
c. symbolic interactionist d. exchange theory: a
53. 53. According to the family as an institution reinforces and supports power relations in society.
a. functionalism b. conflict theory
c. symbolic interaction theory d. exchange theory: b
54. 54. theorists view families as essential to maintaining inequality in soci- ety.
a. Functionalist b. Conflict
c. Symbolic interaction d. Social exchange: b
55. 55. theorists argue that families serve to socialize children into being obedient workers and good consumers to fit the needs of capitalism.
a. Functionalist b. Conflict
c. Symbolic interaction d. Social exchange: b
56. 56. The theoretical perspective that is most concerned with the fact
that families are gendered institutions that reflect the gender hierarchies in society is .
a. functionalism
b. exchange theory
c. symbolic interaction theory d. feminist theory: d
57. 57. focus on the processes through which people learn social identities through their interactions with others in a family.
a. Functionalism b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic interaction theory d. Feminist theory: c
58. 58. From a(n) perspective, married couples create for themselves an iden- tity that is influenced by the definitions others in society have of marriage, in addition to their own definitions.
a. functionalism b. conflict theory
c. symbolic interactionist d. exchange theory: c
59. 59. In addition to the high divorce rate, the other primary cause of female single-parent households is
a. the high rate of pregnancy among unmarried teens. b. the death of a spouse.
c. having a spouse who is incarcerated.
d. the high unemployment rates for men.: a
60. 60. Sociologists have found that most of the problems faced by house- holds headed by women are primarily the result of
a. the absence of male authority figures.
b. the threat of poverty that is connected with being a single mother. c. the psychological pressure of heading a household.
d. excess media attention that creates the perception of a problem.: b
61. 61. As a consequence of women's greater labor force participation
a. families are taking more time for "quality family time" than ever before. b. families are experiencing a significant increase in the pace of life.
c. families are finding they do not need men's income and they have more flexibility.
d. families have become increasingly affluent.: b
62. 62. Regarding commuter marriages the text notes that
a. commuter marriages are among the most affluent types of families.
b. transportation costs have resulted in a significant decrease in commuter
c. many poor and working class couples have commuter marriages that do not fit the common stereotype of the commuting professional couple.
d. despite the stereotype, this type of marriage is still very rare.: c
63. 63. Research on children in gay and lesbian households has found that a. children of gay and lesbian parents are more likely to be gay or lesbian than the children of heterosexual parents.
b. children of gay and lesbian parents are far greater psychological problems than the children of heterosexual parents.
c. there is very little difference in outcomes for the children of gay and lesbians and the children of heterosexuals.
d. children of gays and lesbians tend to hold very stereotypical ideas about gender norms.: c
64. 64. Young people establishing relationships today a. tend to follow the pre-established norms of dating.
b. have replaced the process of dating with hooking up. c. have no desire for long-term relationships.
d. get involved sexually without concern about the stigma of a bad reputa- tion.: b
65. 65. Being single in the U.S.
a. is still a stigmatized status for women in particular.
b. is increasingly not due to divorce, but to never having been married. c. is preferable to being married.
d. is still rare once a person reaches the age of 30.: b
66. 66. The boomerang generation refers to people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four who
a. return home to live with their parents.
b. enter college for a few years, then drop out, and re-enter.
c. hook up and break up with the same person multiple times. d. marry and divorce before the age of 25.: a
67. 67. The sociological view of marriage is that it
a. is a romantic and loving union of two individuals. b. involves a complex set of social dynamics.
c. is a private matter separate from other institutions. d. cannot be studied using sociological methods.: b
68. 68. Sociological research on the division of labor within married couple households indicates that
a. the allocation of housework is greatly influenced by men's and women's experiences in their families of
b. Latino men rarely get involved in domestic tasks.
c. young professional couples are the most egalitarian.
d. African American men and White men are equally likely to participate in housework.: a
69. 69. In the U.S.
a. the rate of marriage is higher than in western European countries. b. one out of two marriages ends in divorce.
c. women are more likely to remarry following a divorce than are men. d. the divorce rate has been steadily increasing since the 1950s.: a
70. 70. Demographic changes have increased the likelihood of divorce in the
U.S. the primary example of this is
a. the aging of the U.S. population which results in later age at first marriage. b. longer life expectancy which increases the length of many marriages beyond what they would have been in the past.
c. the decreasing number of children that forces couples to focus more on each other.
d. the skewed sex ratio that gives women many more choices for potential partners.: b
71. 71. Mothers in transnational families
a. in general spend as much time with their children as other mothers.
b. generally are able to take their children with them from place to place. c. have expanded their definition of motherhood to include breadwinning. d. earn less than had they stayed in their native countries.: c
72. 72. Religion is an institutionalized system of by which a group of people interprets and responds to what they feel is sacred and that provides an- swers to questions of ultimate meaning.
a. symbols b. beliefs
c. values
d. all of the above: d
73. 73. Elements of the everyday world that are not considered sacred are called .
a. profane
b. sanctified
c. sacred
d. revered: a
74. 74. A Zuni fetish, a Christian communion wafer, and Native American sacred land are all examples of .
a. sacraments b. the secular c. totems
d. deities: c
75. 75. Moral proscriptions for behavior established by religions a. are always followed by adherents.
b. are recognized as guides with no consequences for non-compliance. c. often come to be viewed as right and inviolable.
d. are not typically taken seriously.: c
76. 76. The term secular means
a. having to do with ordinary, nonreligious life. b. being held sacred.
c. being prohibited.
d. having to do with the supernatural.: a
77. 77. Which of these statements does not describe one of the functions of religion?
a. Religion establishes norms for behavior.
b. Religion establishes moral proscriptions for behavior.
c. Religion serves to preserve diversity and cultural relativism.
d. Religion provides answers to questions of ultimate meaning.: c
78. 78. According to the text, what proportion of Americans believes that religion can solve all or most of society's
a. one-fifth
b. one-fourth c. one-half
d. two-thirds: d
79. 79. The United States is commonly described as being based on a(n)
a. non-sectarian
b. manifest destiny c. Judeo-Christian
d. Anglo-Protestant: c
80. 80. What is the relationship between Christianity and governance within the U.S.?
a. The U.S. effectively separates all religion from government.
b. In the U.S. Christianity is often treated as if it is the national religion.
c. The U.S. incorporates holidays and rituals of all faiths equally into its public observances.
d. The government of the U.S. prohibits religions other than Christianity.: b
81. 81. Sociologists sometimes measure the intensity and consistency of a person's faith. This is termed .
a. theism
b. religiosity c. devotion
d. fundamentalism: b
82. 82. Church membership and attendance in the U.S. a. is higher for men than for women.
b. is higher for younger people than for older people.
c. is higher for women than for men, and for older more than younger people. d. is fairly uniformly spread throughout the population.: c
83. 83. In terms of religious identification the U.S., the largest recent increas- es have been for people who identify as
a. Catholic and Lutheran
b. evangelical Protestant and Muslim c. Buddhist and Hindu
d. atheists: b
84. 84. Which of these major world religions is polytheistic?
a. Catholicism
b. Protestantism c. Hinduism
d. Buddhism: c
85. 85. Christianity would be categorized as a religion. a. polytheistic
b. patriarchal c. matriarchal
d. land-based: b
86. 86. Emile Durkheim argued that religion is
a. functional for society because it reaffirms the social bonds that people
have with each other.
b. a distinct threat to social cohesion. c. a tool for class oppression.
d. an institution that exists in direct opposition to the other institutions that exist in society.: a
87. 87. What term did Durkheim give to the body of religious beliefs that give people a sense of belonging?
a. false consciousness
b. collective consciousness c. ritualized consciousness d. interactive identity: b
88. 88. According to Durkheim, in particular are vehicles for the creation, expression, and reinforcement of social cohesion.
a. rituals
b. mantras c. totems
d. priests: a
89. 89. argued that cultural beliefs inspired by religious faith support other institutional systems within society.
a. Auguste Comte b. Emile Durkheim c. Max Weber
d. Karl Marx: c
90. 90. Weber believed that the search for signs of religious salvation sup- ported the development of .
a. religion
b. capitalism c. socialism
d. Protestantism: b
91. 91. Weber's analysis of the Protestant ethic demonstrates
a. that religious beliefs are able to shape even secular dimensions of national culture.
b. the matriarchal nature of Protestantism.
c. the weaknesses of Emile Durkheim's views on the functions of religion.
d. that religion does serve as a type of drug for people who are disadvantaged in life.: a
92. 92. "Religion is the basis for intergroup conflict." This statement most closely reflects .
a. functionalism b. conflict theory
c. symbolic interaction theory d. feminist theory: d
93. 93. To , religion promotes stratification since it generally supports a hierarchy of people on earth and the subordination of humankind to an imagined divine authority.
a. Auguste Comte b. Emile Durkheim c. Karl Marx
d. Max Weber: c
94. 94. theory sees religion as a socially constructed belief system that emerges in different social conditions.
a. Functionalist b. Conflict
c. Symbolic interaction d. Feminist: c
95. 95. From a perspective, many types of social behavior may be based on the meanings that religion holds for people.
a. functionalist b. conflict
c. symbolic interaction d. feminist: c
96. 96. Which theoretical perspective best explains the process of religious socialization or how people become religious?
a. functionalist b. conflict
c. symbolic interaction d. feminist: c
97. 97. The largest religion in the world (measured in numbers of followers)
is .
a. Islam
b. Christianity c. Hinduism
d. Buddhism: b
98. 98. Research studies about the religiosity of Asian Americans indicate that
a. religious practice and belief among Asian Americans frequently changes between generations.
b. the youngest generation currently worships more intensely than their parents and grandparents did.
c. assimilation has had little effect on religious beliefs.
d. traditional Hindu and Confucian practices have all but disappeared among
Asian Americans.: a
99. 99. Religious extremism
a. is not found anywhere except the Middle East.
b. frequently fuels violent behavior, and is fed by religious intolerance. c. only pertains to Christianity.
d. is only an individual phenomenon; it has no connection to social groups.-
: b
100. 100. The types of religious organization that tend to be seen by society as primary and most legitimate are .
a. sects
b. churches c. cults
d. factions: b
101. 101. Cults form around leaders with great , a quality attributed to indi- viduals believed by their followers to have special powers.
a. humility
b. intelligence c. charisma
d. compassion: c
102. 102. Research indicates that faith-based organizations
a. enhance the participation of traditionally disadvantaged groups in the democratic process.
b. violate the principle of separation of church and state.
c. serve to make government more fundamentalist Christian.
d. have had no significant influence on public life in the U.S.: a
103. 103. What is the role of religion in the process of social change?
a. religion may be oppressive, but not liberating b. religion may be liberating, but not oppressive
c. religion may have a conservative influence, but may also be liberating d. there is no connection between religion and social change.: c
104. 104. In the U.S., current attitudes toward the role of women in religion a. have changed very little over the past 25 years.
b. keep women from attending divinity school. c. support the ordination of women clergy.
d. favor keeping women out of religious roles.: c