Check related post for answers
PASSING GRADES ESSAYSThis assignment is due in increments starting with with P= for political can you assist with below? The country selected is Switzerland with a focus on its financial industry. Its a 3-4 page limit or less due by Wednesday, September 9th. Based on my research Switzerland doesn’t have much political factors, but I know you you’ll find some.
Political factors= These factors include political policies and processes, including the extent to which a government intervenes in the economy. They include such matters as tax policy, fiscal policy, tariffs, the political climate, and the strength of institutions such as the federal banking system. Some political factors, such as bailouts, are industry- specific. Others, such as energy policy, affect certain types of industries (energy producers and heavy users of energy) more than others.
Political Indicators
The purpose of this assignment is to guide students in the selection of indicators to be used in their PESTEL Analysis. We want to make sure that you understand each indicator and what is expected of those indicators selected.
Please include the following information:
4 Political Indicators that represent political forces in your PESTEL analysis, accompanied by graphs. For political forces please refer to the presentation PESTEL_Analysis_Fall2020.ppt, slide 6. For guidance on what an indicator is and an example thereof, please refer to the attached ppt presentation.
Your indicators should meet the criteria for use in your PESTEL Analysis:
- Quantitative, measurable, minimum of 5 years of historical data (or 5 reporting periods if reported for intervals longer than 1 year), reputable source, clear methodology for the development of the indicator.
- The indicators must be relevant to the industry that you selected for your PESTEL analysis.
- The indicator should be actively reported in recent 5 years (no obsolete data!)
- Source:
- Provide the primary source for your indicator, for example, if you choose the Democracy Index from Freedom House as your indicator, provide Freedom House as your source. Do not provide as your source webpages that aggregate various indicators or press articles or scholarly papers that analyze these indicators.
- Your 4 indicators should be sourced from a minimum of 2 sources
- Your sources must be reputable. Examples of reputable sources include: OECD, Eurostat, Pew Research, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, CIA, United Nations
- Number of Countries in Database: Please provide the total number of countries included in the database for each indicator. The number of countries does not have to be equal or close to the total number of countries. Some organizations report indicators for their member countries (for example, OECD, Eurostat). Such comparisons are also valid. However, this must be a real number of countries for which the indicator is reported. Do not pick several countries of your choice (4-5).
The following format is required when submitting the assignment:
# | Indicator name | Description + Methodology | Source | Number of countries in database | Link to Indicator |
1 | |||||
2 | |||||
3 | |||||
4 |
Points will be deducted for submitting tables with messy formatting, making it difficult to read.
Graphs representing your indicators should be prepared by you. No copy-paste graphs are allowed. Graphs should be clearly presented with axis labels, graphs title, legend, etc.
You need to project your data to at least 2021.