1. Begin by viewing this clip: https://youtu.be/cyuZWDX55mI Use at least 200 words to compose your own 'last lecture'. What would you most want to impart if you were leaving this world, and who would be in your audience?
Download the essay here Last Lecture
2. The essay question requires the use of a primary source - a peer-reviewed article detailing the results of a relevant study. To demonstrate your understanding of empirical research, you will want to report an explanation of the numerical data retrieved from the article you've chosen. Please be sure to cite your source(s) and to incorporate terminology from our course. See question below:
Use at least 300 words to discuss some of the internal and external factors that relate to the developmental process. Internal factors should include biological, cognitive and psychological influences. External factors should include social, political, economic, and cultural influences.
Download the essay here Internal and external factors that relate to developmental process
**Please demonstrate your understanding of our course concepts by using terminology and information that we covered this semester.
**Remember to include the numerical data from at least one primary source.
**Your source should be cited in the body of your writing AND listed at the end of your essay response.