Chapter 07 Questions and Answers
Multiple Choice
1. Which layer of epidermis is mostly found in the skin on hands and feet? A) Stratum corneum
B) Stratum lucidum
C) Stratum granulosum D) Stratum germinativum Ans: B
Complexity: Moderate
Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Review of the Integumentary System
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Application
Complete test bank 4th edition Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning by Rhoads
2. Most hair follicles originate in which level of the skin? A) Epidermis
B) Subcutaneous layer
C) Adipose layer
D) Dermis
Ans: D
Complexity: Moderate
Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Review of the Integumentary System
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Application
3. A patient’s chart mentions that their particular skin ailment is “confluent.” What does this describe? A) Morphology
B) Structure
C) Distribution
D) Turgor
Ans: C
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis
4. A patient presents with red papules and areas of plaque on her skin and irregular formations of exfoliated, keratinized cells. What is the most likely ailment?
A) Psoriasis B) Eczema C) Acne
D) Discoid lupus
Ans: A
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis
5. The physician has determined that plaque on a patient’s skin is less likely granuloma annulare and more likely a dermatophyte. How did she make this determination?
A) Noticed the red papules
B) Tested the apocrine secretions
C) Scraped the skin with a #15 blade
D) Pared the surface
Ans: C
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis
6. An area of the patient’s arm has very smooth skin and lacks any apparent superficial features. This is likely what?
A) Psoriasis
B) Hypokeratinization
C) A scar
D) A skin tag
Ans: C
Complexity: Moderate
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Recall
7. A patient with greasy, adherent scales on coalescing macules along the brow and scalp most likely has what form of dermatitis
A) Allergic contact
B) Seborrheic
C) Stasis D) Atopic Ans: B
Complexity: Easy
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Recall
8. Which of the following typically appears on the head or face ? A) Verruca
B) Dermatofibroma C) Actinic keratosis D) Neurofibroma Ans: D
Complexity: Moderate
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Application
9. Which of the following is a premalignant disease?
A) Actinic keratosis B) Paget’s disease C) Lipoma
D) Granuloma annulare
Ans: A Complexity: Easy
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Recall
10. The physician has used the Wood’s light exam to look more closely at a patient’s skin. What did this tell the physician?
A) Whether the disease is M. canis or M. distortum
B) The exact pathology of a skin finding
C) Whether the disease was contact-related or internal D) Whether the disorder lies in the epidermis or dermis Ans: D
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Diagnostic Reasoning
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis
11. Which of the following is the least common pruritic condition of pregnancy? A) PUPP
B) Pemphigoid gestationis
C) Prurigo gravidarum
D) ICP Ans: B
Complexity: Moderate
Ahead: Diagnostic Reasoning
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Application
12. A patient is suspected to have allergic or contact dermatitis. Which of the following diagnostic tests should be used?
A) Patch testing
B) Biopsy
C) Serum total IgE D) KOH scraping Ans: C
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Diagnostic Reasoning
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis
1. True or False? Eccrine glands originate in the dermis and open directly to the surface of the skin. Ans: True
Complexity: Moderate
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Ahead: Anatomy and Physiology Review of the Integumentary Systems
Taxonomy: Application
2. True or False? “Histologic evaluation” is another term for biopsy. Ans: True
Complexity: Easy Ahead: Health History Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Recall
3. True or False? Keratinization is an inherited skin disorder linked to the father’s side of the family. Ans: False
Complexity: Moderate Ahead: Health History Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Application
4. True or False? Hirsutism is a medical condition related to females rather than males. Ans: True
Complexity: Easy
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Recall
5. True or False? Seborrheic keratosis, moles, and hemangiomas can generally appear anywhere on a person’s body.
Ans: False
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Physical Examination
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis
6. True or False? Shave biopsies, punch biopsies, and excisional biopsies require suturing for closure. Ans: False
Complexity: Moderate
Ahead: Diagnostic Reasoning
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Application
1. What is the mnemonic for evaluating pigmented lesions through surface microscopy, and what do the letters stand for?
Ans: ABCDE: Asymmetry, border irregularity, color variegation, diameter > 6 mm, and elevation/enlargement
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Diagnostic Reasoning
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis
2. The text lists five general varieties of common skin conditions in pediatric patients. Name them and give an example.
Ans: Bacterial infections; viral infections; superficial fungal infections; infestations; and chronic relapsing conditions. (Examples will vary.)
Complexity: Difficult
Ahead: Diagnostic Reasoning
Subject: Chapter 7
Title: Integumentary Disorders
Taxonomy: Analysis