Your brain is more active at certain times more than others. Some people are more productive in the morning, while others are more focused in the evening. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you may make the most of your study time. Furthermore, multiple studies have indicated that the optimal times to study are first thing in the morning and right before bedtime. Your essay will show you how to make the most of this time by studying properly.
Early study periods
Your body is still calm and ready to start the day when your alarm goes off in the morning (even if it does not always feel like this). Don't sleep and try to get out of bed as soon as possible. We all do it, but experts warn that dozing might affect our energy levels for the remainder of the day. This should be plenty of an incentive to get out of bed when your first alarm goes off! Take a (cold) short shower or do anything else to wake up your body, such as a fast workout or a cup of coffee. After that, stay away from anything that will keep you from studying. Start studying with your Passing Grades summaries, books, and some rough paper. This routine works way better in the early morning than in the middle of the day. You will have more focus because your brain just got hours of rest.
Late-night study periods
If you study before bed, your brain will assimilate the material while you sleep. The main reason for this is that it is most likely the most recent information you received on that particular day. Do you go to bed at 11 p.m. on a regular basis? Then, around 21:00, begin studying. For example, read out loud and repeat your Passing Grades summary a few times.
Keep in mind that if you've previously studied all day, the results of late-night study sessions will be less effective. Your concentration will suffer as a result, and you'll require full concentration to remember everything. Study intelligently rather than harder! Find out what works best for you, make a list of the advantages of both day and night studying, and make your decision. But keep in mind that starting on time is crucial to achieving excellent scores because repetition is the key to getting good grades!