Digital Goods Download
This is how delivery of study materials is executed on Passing Grades. Upon receipt of your order, you will receive an e-mail from us with the document that you have purchased immidiately after payment. However, if you have registered an account with us, you can download the purchased document under your profile.
The receipt in your e-mail will constitute of the delivery by us to you of the item(s) you purchased.
In case you are unable to download the item(s) you purchase or you do not receive an e-mail from us with instructions to complete your download, you must contact us within 5 days from the date of your order. If you do not contact us within 5 days from the date of your order, the item(s) you purchased will be considered received, downloaded and delivered to you.
For further information regarding delivery of digital goods, feel free to email us via, you can also reach us via our contact page or you can use the chat widget to communicate with us.